Corolla [ Kuh–RAWL-lah ] may not look like it, but the town name is not pronounced Kuh-roll-ah like the car! This isn’t a local dialect, it’s the correct pronunciation for the village named for the collection of petals in a flower.
“After Emma Parker was named the first postmaster to this Outer Banks area around 1895, three names were again requested from the Postal Department in order to name the new post office. Although Currituck Beach and Jones Hill had been suggested as possible names, a third suggestion was still being considered. While trying to come up with the third name for submission, someone remarked about the many wild violets growing around the area. Upon picking one, he stated that the center of the violet was known as the corolla. “Corolla” became the third suggested named and the one the postal officials chose.”
Another local tip: in NC you must always stop for pedestrians: “At mid-block crosswalks with no traffic signal, drivers must yield the way to pedestrians in the crosswalk.” Please don’t make them play frogger!